Hello, I played as white. I started to play this game few months ago when I was in much better shape. Now I didn't play for some time and I was very confused altough I think I didn't stand bad so I resigned. I think white had better start. Should I exploit it somehow ?
Game 3685920
Here are some of my thoughts on the game:
The line 6. Nxg4 Nxg4 7. e4 is very interesting to me. It grabs the bishop pair and opens the position up, although your line is very convincing as well.
11. Qc2!?, attacking the pawn immediately is possibly more accurate than 11. e3, since he either has to play 11..Ne7 and block his Bf8, or dislodge his king with 11..Kf7.
Why 13. Bd2? Is it not better to play something like 13. Qc2! Kf7 14. Bd3 Ne7 15. Rh3! intending 16. Rf3+.
I didn't use any engine for this, so I may be missing something, but it's food for thought at least.
Originally posted by wakchessdragon17.O-O-O Rf7 18.Bh3 Nf8 19.Bg2 Bxe3+ 20.fxe3 Qc7 21.Qd2 Qg3 22.Rh3 Qc7 ++-
Hello, I played as white. I started to play this game few months ago when I was in much better shape. Now I didn't play for some time and I was very confused altough I think I didn't stand bad so I resigned. I think white had better start. Should I exploit it somehow ?
Game 3685920
17.O-O-O Kh8 18.Bh3 e5 19.exd5 cxd5 20.Qa4 exd4 21.Bxf4 Rxf4 22.Bxd7 dxc3 23.Qxf4 cxb2+ 24.Kxb2 Qxd7 ++-
were a couple of lines I looked at and it seems to me that white gets a winning advantage but I am probably missing something.
Originally posted by wakchessdragonYes. You've created a weakness on g6 (and more generally in the kingside pawn cover) and then do absolutely nothing about attacking it. You've also got an open file for your rook (Rh3-f3) that you are not using. Once you created that weakness, every subsequent move should have been directed toward attacking it in some fashion. You have a nice diagonal from c2 to g6 that two pieces (queen and bishop) could use, and the support of the rook in controlling f7 would then be decisive. Just my two cents.
Hello, I played as white. I started to play this game few months ago when I was in much better shape. Now I didn't play for some time and I was very confused altough I think I didn't stand bad so I resigned. I think white had better start. Should I exploit it somehow ?
Game 3685920