Originally posted by likeforestHow does not having a board help you for normal play?
this one is meant to be done without a sight of a board.
white: Kh6, Rh7
black: Kg8, pf2
white to move. what would you expect?
also, if anyone has more basic endgame positions post them here without board for great practice
Originally posted by likeforestI can see the blind folded part. But why not then make them game: look at the board and find the combination without moving pieces. I think what you are doing is pointless for OTB play or at best a tedious method.
helps you to visualize the board. one of the most important things in chess is the ability to see future positions in your head. because you are not allowed to move pieces (in OTB) you are essentialy playing blindfold. playing without a board greatly increases this technique.