DATE | 2017.12.17 |
ROUND | 1 |
WHITE | vandervelde |
BLACK | Thunderrook |
RESULT | 0-1 |
WHITEELO | 1975 |
BLACKELO | 2483 |"]
[Date "2017.12.17"]
[EndDate "2018.01.27"]
[Round "1"]
[White "vandervelde"]
[Black "Thunderrook"]
[WhiteRating "1975"]
[BlackRating "2483"]
[WhiteElo "1975"]
[BlackElo "2483"]
[Result "0-1"]
[GameId "12513362"]
1. d4 Ng8f6 2. c4 e6 3. Nb1c3 Bf8b4 4. Qd1b3 {Botvinnik played it when he wanted to win and Bronstein played when depressed.} c5 5. dxc5 {Fighting for center.} Nb8c6 6. Ng1f3 Bb4xc5 7. Bc1g5 {Qey move. White wants to keep Black's King flank tied, and prepare Queen Rook to enter the game. White has center and Black has beter development. If Black finds way against white center, his better Pawns and development will prevail. As always with Botvinnik, it is matter of a tiny edge.} h6 8. Bg5h4 O-O 9. e3 Bc5e7 10. Bf1e2 b6 11. O-O Bc8b7 12. Qb3c2 Ra8c8 13. Ra1d1 a6 14. Bh4xf6 {In order to keep iniiative and center, White must surrender Bishops pair} Be7xf6 15. Nc3e4 {! Now Black must return pair of Bishops or he is reduce on 3rd line.} d5 16. Ne4xf6 Qd8xf6 17. Qc2b3 dxc4 18. Qb3b5 {18. Qxb6 gives equal game.} axb5