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A New Coaching Tool + Bird's Defence

A New Coaching Tool + Bird's Defence

Only Chess

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A reall sharp teaching aid.
I'm sure some of you budding coaches out there
will find it very useful.

Plus a very good (only slightly unsound) game played by mikelom.

Blog 4

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Congrats mikelom.Great game.


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"Perfect. All games should go like this. Sac a Queen, sac a Bishop, castle (the theme of this blog) and mate."

Almost fit the bill with this one, but I ended up castling before the queen sac.

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OK, but you got the Queen back.
You have to do it without winning the Queen back

It was there...it's always there.

Check all Checks

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another saying along those lines- 3 pieces make a mate.

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Hi Nimzo

There are 4 pieces in that Mate.

The role of the f8 Rook (after castling - the theme of the blog) is critical.

Three pieces always mate. Four pieces is a massacre.
Pity the lad missed it. He had the right idea, just got the move order mixed up.

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