Hello, the game probably has more than enough unsound moves but I really liked the position at checkmate so thought I'd share it with you.
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"] [Site "www.redhotpawn.com"] [Date "2009.4.4"] [Round "?"] [White "aethsilgne"] [Black "jellyfear"] [Result "1-0"] 1. e2-e4 e7-e5 2. f2-f4 f7-f6 3. Bf1-c4 Ng8-e7 4. Nb1-c3 Ne7-g6 5. f4-f5 Ng6-f4 6. Ke1-f1 Bf8-c5 7. g2-g3 Nf4-h5 8. Qd1xh5 g7-g6 9. f5xg6 Ke8-f8 10. Qh5-h6 Kf8-e7 11. Nc3-d5 Ke7-d6 12. g6-g7 Nb8-a6 13. Nd5xf6 b7-b5 14. Nf6-g8 Qd8-f6 15. Qh6xf6 1-0