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A Nice French Defense

A Nice French Defense

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[Event "It (active)"]
[Site "Oviedo (Spain)"]
[Date "1993.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "De Firmian Nick E"]
[Black "Bronstein David"]
[ECO "C16"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "112"]

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Bb4 4. e5 b6 5. a3 Bf8 6. Bb5+ Bd7 7. Bd3 c5
8. Nf3 Nc6 9. O-O Nge7 10. Nb5 Ng6 11. c3 c4 12. Bxg6 hxg6 13. Bg5 f6
14. exf6 gxf6 15. Bf4 Rc8 16. Nd6+ Bxd6 17. Bxd6 Kf7 18. Re1 g5 19. h3
Ne7 20. Bh2 Nf5 21. g4 Rxh3 22. gxf5 exf5 23. Qe2 f4 24. Nd2 Bf5 25. f3
Qh8 26. Qe7+ Kg6 27. Re2 Qh4 28. Rg2 Rh8 29. Qe2 Rg3 30. Nf1 Bd3
31. Nxg3 Bxe2 32. Nxe2 Kf7 33. Rf1 Re8 34. Kh1 Re3 35. Ng1 Qh7 36. Rd2
Ke6 37. Kg2 Kd7 38. Rff2 f5 39. Rde2 Qh4 40. Kf1 Qh5 41. Ke1 b5 42. Kd2
Rd3+ 43. Kc2 Qh4 44. Rg2 Re3 45. Kd2 Rxe2+ 46. Nxe2 Qh3 47. Rf2 a5
48. Bg1 Qh1 49. Kc2 g4 50. fxg4 Qe4+ 51. Kc1 f3 52. Rf1 fxe2 53. Re1 f4
54. Bf2 f3 55. Rg1 Qf4+ 56. Kc2 Qh2 0-1

I've never once played the French, but this game shows that maybe it isn't so bad.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
I've never once played the French, but this game shows that maybe it isn't so bad.
Thanks for the pgn. I am a huge fan of the french defense and play it almost exclusively, as black of course. Rather than start the usual "the french is great and so many masters play it, just consult your database" thread, I would like to ask, Why did you previously believe the french was bad?

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Originally posted by egsmith
Thanks for the pgn. I am a huge fan of the french defense and play it almost exclusively, as black of course. Rather than start the usual "the french is great and so many masters play it, just consult your database" thread, I would like to ask, Why did you previously believe the french was bad?
I just never played when I learned the moves, then received some bad advice that it was inferior to the Sicilian and never got around to it.
I've had another look at it and it seems OK, kind of like a "hypermodern" defense; lure white on and counter from the flanks.
I've seen some other games from Bronstein, not necessarily the French, he played some beautiful games.

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
I just never played when I learned the moves, then received some bad advice that it was inferior to the Sicilian and never got around to it.
I've had another look at it and it seems OK, kind of like a "hypermodern" defense; lure white on and counter from the flanks.
I've seen some other games from Bronstein, not necessarily the French, he played some beautiful games.
The beauty (ugliness) of the French defense is that the pawn structure is fixed so the typical plans are almost routine. It is not inferior to the Sicilian, it is just a different ball game where you have to be comfortable with pawn chains instead of flowing pawn structures...

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