I played a 10 0 game last night on the internet vs. a player that plays here and this interesting tactic came up! I was black, and played the Pirc. After about 15 more moves I lost on time though....
1. e4 d6 2. d4 Nf6 3. Nc3 g6 4. g3 Bg7 5. Bg2 O-O 6. Nge2 Nbd7 7. O-O c5 8. h3 Rb8 9. Be3 b6 10. d5 b5 11. Qd2 Ne5 12. b3 b4 13. Nd1 Bxh3! 14. f3 Bxg2 15. Kxg2 Nxf3 16. Kxf3 Nxe4! 17. Kxe4 Bxa1 18. Bh6 Bg7 19. Rh1
Any improvements? Obviously there are some here....Maybe Kh2 at some point and also for black, instead of 18...Bg7 I think I should have played 18...Re8! getting ready for e6. It think it keeps my initative going, and parlays his plans to attack on the h-file for a bit. Any others?
That was a good game. I don't play very well, but I can see White study about the Opening a lot, but don't know how to play the rest of the game.
Prevent and stop your oppent's plan it's very important, but White didn't do very well. Black take average of white's white spares weaknesses, that showed black it's a fine player.
Originally posted by WestWoodLol...thanks, but white was a NM. He was not really paying all that much attention, and probably made me look a bit better than I was.
That was a good game. I don't play very well, but I can see White study about the Opening a lot, but don't know how to play the rest of the game.
Prevent and stop your oppent's plan it's very important, but White didn't do very well. Black take average of white's white spares weaknesses, that showed black it's a fine player.