Hi folks,
I have been trying to learn the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon, and one of the tougher variations is the Maroczy Bind with Nc2. I've been using IM Andrew Greet's Starting Out: The Accelerated Dragon, and one of his "side" recommendations is the less-analyzed ...Be6 variation.
I have used that move in the "regular" Dragon, and I figured it was worth a try.
I haven't run the game through a computer or anything, but here's what I think happened: I think I came close to dynamic equality out of the opening. In the "teens" moves, we both were shuffling our pieces around a bit, feeling about for a plan (at least I was, and I need to go back to see if I had a better plan).
If you look at the pgn, you can tell how much shuffling was going on, as a good number of moves have to use the starting square notation to show which piece is moving!
I was fumbling around a bit, looking for a way to trade a piece and relieve the position a bit. My opponent (a pretty good player, I should add!) was wise to me, and stymied my efforts.
I think the change came when he retreated his light-squared bishop to f1, and I was able to plant a piece on the g4 square. After that, my pieces started to hover in the vicinity of his king, and the "combo alarms" started flashing- especially with the bishop on f1 and the rook on e1, as f2 was very weak.
I didn't see everything, but I saw that I would have a smothered mate shot after ...Nxb3, so I went for it.
My opponent is a good player, and I thought this was his time to win when he played the Nc2 variation, but I got lucky!
Good game.
Andrew Greet had to wait for my humble acceptance speech to finish
before they awarded him the Scottish title last weekend.
Just thought I would mention that 😀
Accelerated Dragon - Huh! piddle pips.
1.e4 c5 2.b4! Accelerated Anti - Accelerated Dragon.
(been trying this out on here. Accelerated bad position) 😳
Originally posted by greenpawn34I love his book and his writing style- he is very honest in his assessments, and he is not afraid to use a few of his own games in his book. I always like seeing how the author applies his own "stuff", and when he is also willing to use his own misfires as a lesson, you know you're reading the real deal.
Good game.
Andrew Greet had to wait for my humble acceptance speech to finish
before they awarded him the Scottish title last weekend.
Just thought I would mention that 😀
Accelerated Dragon - Huh! piddle pips.
1.e4 c5 2.b4! Accelerated Anti - Accelerated Dragon.
(been trying this out on here. Accelerated bad position) 😳
I owe him this one!
Edit: and a bunch of people have been trotting out 2. b4 against me lately. Now I know whose fault it is.
Nice game Paul.
My one and only smothered mate came in a game where I tried the Caro-Kann for the first ever time. Didn't really like it to be honest because I wasn't sure what I was doing. Similar to your game we shuffled about a lot in the middle - I looked initially to attack on the kingside, decided to block it up after he castled and switch to the queenside, and then piled up tons of pressure. My eyes really lit up when I saw his final move.
Originally posted by Double GVery nice! and another example of the double-edged nature of queenside castling.
Nice game Paul.
My one and only smothered mate came in a game where I tried the Caro-Kann for the first ever time. Didn't really like it to be honest because I wasn't sure what I was doing. Similar to your game we shuffled about a lot in the middle - I looked initially to attack on the kingside, decided to block it up after he castled and switch to t ...[text shortened]... 3d3 b4 22. axb4 Nc6xb4
23. Qd3d2 Ra8b8 24. Nc3b1 Nb4xa2 0-1 [/pgn]
Originally posted by clandarkfireI am not entirely sure of that. I think if White doesn't actively use the space advantage Black can play for Kingside space and have decent play. At the GM level though you don't get many model games in that style.
Nice Trick!
The Marocy Bind was the main reason I gave up the Accelerated Dragon though - I found that if white avoids any blunders, black is often given no winning chances whatsoever - meaning white should be able to force a draw in his sleep.
At the club level (sub 2200) the position doesn't play itself like the Yugoslav attack of the Dragon does.
I think the Smother Mate the most beautiful of all checkmates... and I finally got one!
Game 7622241
Originally posted by marsdogI like yours better- the ones in the "middle" are less common than the corner ones, and often come as a shock to the unfortunate victim.
I think the Smother Mate the most beautiful of all checkmates... and I finally got one!
Game 7622241
Originally posted by Paul LeggettDid you look at 22.Nf3 at all? I think it might create some chances for black.
Hi folks,
I have been trying to learn the Sicilian Accelerated Dragon, and one of the tougher variations is the Maroczy Bind with Nc2. I've been using IM Andrew Greet's Starting Out: The Accelerated Dragon, and one of his "side" recommendations is the less-analyzed ...Be6 variation.
I have used that move in the "regular" Dragon, and I fi . Kg1h1 Nd4xb3 23. Rb1xb3 Bg7d4 24. Nc3e2 Qf2g1 0-1[/pgn]
Maybe not, 22...Be3 seems strong