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Abandoning the KG?  Me?

Abandoning the KG? Me?

Only Chess

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Has anyone abandoned an opening for purely psychological reasons?

I've noticed that I tend to play objectively BETTER in closed games. Even though I'm far less comfortable in them, and far less ooked up, so to speak. It's because I'm more careful in them.

When I'm playing something like the KG, I tend to levy reckless attacks just because I'm so comfortable in the position. When playing, for example, the stonewall dutch, on the other hand, I wouldn't dare. I just got utterly slaughtered from an objectively superior position in the KG in an OTB tournament last night after recklessly exposing my king and leaving my center underprotected in the pursuit of a strong kingside attack. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to follow through with said kingside attack, because the counterattack in the center shredded me.

So I'm actually considering dumping the KG for the time being, until I manage to train myself into some more discipline.

I just thought that would be interesting to folks on the general psychology of chess topic. Anyone else have similar experiences?

And anyone have any suggestions for replacement? Maybe I'll start playing the ruy, because hey. Or d4.

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It's an interesting topic. Some GM once said:In order to play an opening,you must first believe in it." I remember the day I finally decided to put my beloved Grunfeld Defense(1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 d5)out to pasture because it was getting destroyed with tiresome regularity. It's not easy giving up on a system after 25 years of faithful service,but it has to be done-time to move on to other systems to see if they can fill the gap.

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Do you already hear the Birds sing, Paul? πŸ˜‰



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The King's Gambit is most likely the most dangerous opening I've ever played, and I only played it once!!! I looked over that game with a friend of mine about a year ago and we were seeing plenty of defenses to some of my moves that my opponent missed (I was a 1400 then, playing a 1350), so I vowed to myself to never play it again until I found some sure-fire way to build a good position without being belittled by a series of great defensive moves. Personally, I find the Queen's Gambit to be much more fun. 😡


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I'm not saying it's unsound, mind you! I still believe in it... I just also think it encourages bad behavior....

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Originally posted by paultopia
Has anyone abandoned an opening for purely psychological reasons?

I've noticed that I tend to play objectively BETTER in closed games. Even though I'm far less comfortable in them, and far less ooked up, so to speak. It's because I'm more careful in them.

When I'm playing something like the KG, I tend to levy reckless attacks just because I ...[text shortened]... have any suggestions for replacement? Maybe I'll start playing the ruy, because hey. Or d4.
Yeah!I've changed from the Petroff defense to the Alekhine's defense,'cause my Petroff was not solid enough against better opposition.Actually I never really did a proper study on the Petroff,just goofed around with it for 7 years,that's prolly why i never played it well,heh.
Maybe you can take up the Vienna.It's said to be an improved KG.Play is a little slower,it may be just what you need,or it may be exactly what you do not need......

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Originally posted by seraphimvulture
The King's Gambit is most likely the most dangerous opening I've ever played, and I only played it once!!! I looked over that game with a friend of mine about a year ago and we were seeing plenty of defenses to some of my moves that my opponent missed (I was a 1400 then, playing a 1350), so I vowed to myself to never play it again until I found som ...[text shortened]... reat defensive moves. Personally, I find the Queen's Gambit to be much more fun. 😡

You think the King's Gambit it risky to play? Try the Latvian Gambit. Dracula is sharp, but refutable. I have had to play it once and I do not look forward to playing it again.

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must be off my rocker you cant use kings gambit against the french I meant f4 silly me
try using the kings gambit against the french nothing more brutal my friends, possibly the worst choice I think

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Bronstein played the first two moves of the King's gambit on the display board. "This is what you should play," he said. "This is what you can learn about chess. Play for fun. Play the King's gambit." As for openings popular with grandmasters, he said, "They're boring. Look at this. Nowadays they play something like this." He played out the first three or four moves of a Nimzoindian defense and an English opening. "This is popular with the grandmasters. But it's boring."


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Originally posted by lloydk
Bronstein played the first two moves of the King's gambit on the display board. "This is what you should play," he said. "This is what you can learn about chess. Play for fun. Play the King's gambit." As for openings popular with grandmasters, he said, "They're boring. Look at this. Nowadays they play something like this." He played out the first thr ...[text shortened]... th the grandmasters. But it's boring."

Why does Bronstein sound so appetizing?.........

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Originally posted by LivingLegend
Do you already hear the [b]Birds sing, Paul? πŸ˜‰


He heard it well...........Game 598689

sorry Paul,couldn't resistπŸ˜‰

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