The mighty Iron Man played 11. Rb1 which is a move I've never seen before...
Theory would have suggested Bd3... Does anyone have any thoughts (as I after Rb1 seriously thought I'd had a great advantage)
Game 475307
The Analysing Pawn
I think Black's position looks a little dicey after Rb1, but I think all Winawer positions look dicey for Black 🙂
Instead of Ne7-c6, Nd4-c6 was more circumspect; then you can play to swap the white-squared Bishops on a6. ...b6 immediately might be playable, but looks superficially far too loose.
Nice game though!
11. Rb1 is the most common move in that position. I found 16 games with it on my database. The whole line (starting with 9..cxd4 10. cxd4 Qa4) is supposed to be bad for black, according to the latest theory. Instead, black should play 9..Bd7 with an acceptable position.
Great game though!
I don't know much about the French as I just hate it (no offense, of course! 😏), but I looked it up with some Google searching and the few opening books that I have (they're all in my head... 😕) and I have to agree with DT.
I found alot more games in which 11.Rb1 was played. At first sight, it doesn't look to good and maybe White should have played something like 11.c3, but with 11.Rb1, White would come out (and came, in my opinion) better with his 2 active Bishops and open lines which his well developed Rooks could control, while alot of the other options that White had, would result in a much more closed position with less chances to force a decisive advantage. If you take a look at some of Iron Man's other game, you'll see that he strongly dislikes this kind of play. 🙂
Hm... I still think it's a stupid opening! 😛
Originally posted by David TebbDavid,
11. Rb1 is the most common move in that position. I found 16 games with it on my database. The whole line (starting with 9..cxd4 10. cxd4 Qa4) is supposed to be bad for black, according to the latest theory. Instead, black should play 9..Bd7 with an acceptable position.
Great game though!
9. Bd7 certainly looks the safer option here (And I'll play that from now onwards)...
I agree that taking 11. Nxd4 is putting black (despite being a pawn up) in a difficult position.
Thanks and keep thoughts posted, if you like