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Amazing game

Amazing game

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Not sure if this game has been posted before, but I feel the need to shed some light on this brilliancy.

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
Not sure if this game has been posted before, but I feel the need to shed some light on this brilliancy.

[pgn][Event "Varna"]
[Site "02"]
[Date "1958.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "Milko Bobotsov"]
[Black "Mikhail Tal"]
[ECO "E81"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "60"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 ...[text shortened]... b3 Rc3 27.Qxa6 Bxb3 28.axb3
Rbc8 29.Qa3 Rc1+ 30.Rxc1 Rxc1 0-1

How the f*** did he know to sack his queen? Amazing.

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Originally posted by randolph
How the f*** did he know to sack his queen? Amazing.
actually he got two pieces a rook and a pawn for a queen and a knight.

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Originally posted by robbie carrobie
actually he got two pieces a rook and a pawn for a queen and a knight.
Still, the Q+N are much preferred when attacking.

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is this a Tal game? looks familiar.

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Originally posted by Taargus
is this a Tal game? looks familiar.
Yes. If you click on 'PGN' or 'Headers' underneath the board it opens a window with information about the game.

It was Bobotsov-Tal, played in Varna 1958.

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Originally posted by Taargus
is this a Tal game? looks familiar.
That is the real Tal not the English Tal. 'nuff said.

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Originally posted by Taargus
is this a Tal game? looks familiar.
yes this is Tal alright. An inspiring game of chess.

The theme has since become a standard idea in the KID, Pirc and Dragon.
The Queen often goes to a5 v a White 0-0-0.
The White Queen is often on d2 backing up a Bh6.
So Nd5 by White gives Black the option of saccing his Queen
for a few bits - usually a Knight and a Rook - and an attack.

I've played it twice OTB (one win and one loss). I had seen the idea
in games by Tal (this one) and Larsen.

All the sacs and traps I play I have seen before played
by someone else. This is why it's important to play over games
from players of all levels. You get ideas.

Larsen played it in the 60's and I think he mentions the Tal game.
(I'm not sure because I've just sent away the Larsen book as a Christmas present).

Here is another example of the same sac from a Dragon.
Remember, three pieces always mate.

F.Frilling - J. Watson, Lincoln 1969

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That's a great game by Tal!

Greenpawn makes a good point though - I'd never have had the balls to play the following queen sac game if I hadn't seen examples of similar ideas working before.

[Rattray, G]
[Burnett, A]
[Stewarton Allegro 1994]

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Tal is a great tactician, but still not as a great player as Botvinnik/Petrossian/Spassky

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
Not sure if this game has been posted before, but I feel the need to shed some light on this brilliancy.

[pgn][Event "Varna"]
[Site "02"]
[Date "1958.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "0-1"]
[White "Milko Bobotsov"]
[Black "Mikhail Tal"]
[ECO "E81"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "60"]

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.Nc3 Bg7 4.e4 ...[text shortened]... b3 Rc3 27.Qxa6 Bxb3 28.axb3
Rbc8 29.Qa3 Rc1+ 30.Rxc1 Rxc1 0-1

Phew. I suddenly feel very small.

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