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Amusing RHP Momwnt No.173

Amusing RHP Momwnt No.173

Only Chess

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Terry Mc - Pjoern RHP 2007

But Black right at the end could have won. The knack is to head towards
the White King and unpin the Knight.

2 edits

Here's the obligatory problem I quote when I see this stalemate/desperado idea.

Composer Unknown
White to play and win

As noted, black could have put up a bit more resistance on move 8.

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was fun watching them circle like that lol "ring-a-ring-o-roses!"

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
[b]Terry Mc - Pjoern RHP 2007

[FEN "6k1/ppp3p1/7p/6rP/7r/5R2/6KN/8 w - - 0 37"]

37. Kh1 {White waits for Black's reply. If 1...Rgxh5 then resigns, if Rhxh5 then....} 37... Rhxh5 38. Rf8+ {Black cannot take the pesky Rook, if he does it's stalemate.} 38... Kh7 39. Rh8+ Kg6 {The Rook follows the King around as if joined to it by a piece ...[text shortened]... Kh4 {The Knight is now unpinned and the stalemates are off.} 6. Rd4+ Kh3 7. Rd3+ Rg3[/pgn][/b]
Pefect material for my Monday morning chess study group. One of our group is a 9 year old playing in the US Scholastic Championship this weekend, and we have been showing him items like this for months now. Good stuff!

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