Just watched a presentatation at the chess.fm site - a great innovative and absolutely crazy looking attack from black that almost worked. Ended up a draw, but what a draw! If my draws looked like that, I don't think I'd ever want to win! 🙄
Do yourself a favour and go to http://chess.fm/monokroussos.php and watch it. Enjoy! 😏
Originally posted by PyrrhoThe mind boggles. Absolutely superb. Thank you very much indeed!
Just watched a presentatation at the chess.fm site - a great innovative and absolutely crazy looking attack from black that almost worked. Ended up a draw, but what a draw! If my draws looked like that, I don't think I'd ever want to win! 🙄
Do yourself a favour and go to http://chess.fm/monokroussos.php and watch it. Enjoy! 😏