Game 4108592
I can't see where I went wrong... 14. c3 was maybe a little off.
28. ... e3 was brilliant by my opponent.
Anyone see anything else?
Originally posted by ih8sens14.c3? is reason why did you lost pawn without sufficient compensation.
Game 4108592
I can't see where I went wrong... 14. c3 was maybe a little off.
28. ... e3 was brilliant by my opponent.
Anyone see anything else?
I dont see the point of 18.Qf4? - it gave some extra tempo for black to get decisive initiative. Better was 18.Rad1 trying to make pressure on black d-pawn with some counter play.
Originally posted by ih8sens11.0-0 was the critical mistake as it guarantees your opponent d5.
Game 4108592
I can't see where I went wrong... 14. c3 was maybe a little off.
28. ... e3 was brilliant by my opponent.
Anyone see anything else?
Originally posted by ih8sensWhy not take the e pawn on move 16? That crammed you up a bit with him following up with the d backup. Never mind. I see d pins Bishop and Queen next move. 🙂
Game 4108592
I can't see where I went wrong... 14. c3 was maybe a little off.
28. ... e3 was brilliant by my opponent.
Anyone see anything else?
Originally posted by ih8sensI would look at the game positionally rather than tactically. I don't like 7.Nf5 because if your opponent takes (he did) the recapture forces you to cede the center. And what did you get in exchange? A difficult to defend pawn.
Game 4108592
I can't see where I went wrong... 14. c3 was maybe a little off.
28. ... e3 was brilliant by my opponent.
Anyone see anything else?
Ceding the center to Black lead to your losing the initiative when Black got his central pawn roller moving. The rest of the game sees White on the defensive as Black increases his space advantage: first in the critical center, but notice how Black squeezes you so that you are denied play on the wings; only after you have been denied counterplay on the wings, does Black continue his central thrust (the pawn roller again).
Just this duffer's two cents...