Hi, would you please look through and analyze this game? Suggestions on improvements or unnoticed mistakes would be appreciated.
Thank you
Game 4606385
Originally posted by dzhafner4...b6 too slow, 4...Nc6, 4...d5 or 4...d6 instead.
Hi, would you please look through and analyze this game? Suggestions on improvements or unnoticed mistakes would be appreciated.
Thank you
Game 4606385
9..Nf6 instead of ...Bf6.
10.Nb3? loses a piece
16.axb4 Nxb4 17.cxb4 Bxa1 is better for white than 16.d4?
16...Rc8 cheeky - axb4 Nxb4!
18.Qxc3 instead of Qxe6+, this pawn is far more dangerous.
25...Rxe3! because 26.Nxc4 Re1 mates.