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Game 5312182

This is a game that I lost on a horrible blunder in the endgame. Despite that blunder, I feel that it is a very good representation of my game when I am completely focused and putting a decent amount of thought into my moves.

If anyone would care to take a look at it and give me any tips or advice, I would appreciate it.

I could use advice on many different areas . . . more general strategic ideas or improvement on specific moves, i would appreciate any of it.

One thing i had trouble with was coming up with a gameplan at move 14. I ended up just trying to trade my bishops for knights since the position was closed and focusing on trying to make my minor pieces better than his. I wouldn't say that strategy ended up being very effective but thats what i came up with at the time.

secondly, i know i need to study the endgame but im not sure what the correct way to play things starting on move 55 was.

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Originally posted by hawaiinshortsboy
Game 5312182

This is a game that I lost on a horrible blunder in the endgame. Despite that blunder, I feel that it is a very good representation of my game when I am completely focused and putting a decent amount of thought into my moves.

If anyone would care to take a look at it and give me any tips or advice, I would appreciate it.
...[text shortened]... study the endgame but im not sure what the correct way to play things starting on move 55 was.
Your strategy of playing for a better minor piece sounds like a good one to me. The only thing was you exchanged your better bishop first - if black had the same idea then you may have been left with the useless white squared bishop. As it was, your opponent was only too happy to oblige your exchanges - I agree with you that knights are better in that position.

As for the ending I have been doing a lot of work in this area recently (just to cover the basics of the endings that frequently occur in tourney games) and I would suggest that you take your time. In the opening the emphasis is on speed but in the ending you want to slowly centralise your forces so they can converge for the final push. Your passed b pawn is a monster and his bishop is locked out of controlling the queening square by his own pawn. In that position I would be dreaming up fantasy squares for my pieces and then trying to work out what my opponent can do to stop my plan. A gradual development of your forces was called for I think - I would need to look at the ending in more detail to calculate variations.

Instead of variations you could play the ending with the same strategic idea that governed the middlegame. How about getting your rook behind the pawn (do not push the pawn until it is entirely justified) then your opponent will have to respond defensively with his rook. You also want to get your king round to stop the advance of the passed pawn of black's. Since your rook is doing a fine job of restricting the black king, I would begin to navigate my king to the defence of the passed black pawn. Of course this isn't possible with the black rook on the f - file so I will get my king as close as possible then move my rook to distract the black rook. It seems to me that you are left with a versatile knight who can assist the advance of the rook supported passed pawn while the black bishop will be out of play for too long. Black may also activate the king in his defence but then his passer will become vulnerable to your defensively minded king.

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Originally posted by hawaiinshortsboy
Game 5312182

This is a game that I lost on a horrible blunder in the endgame. Despite that blunder, I feel that it is a very good representation of my game when I am completely focused and putting a decent amount of thought into my moves.

If anyone would care to take a look at it and give me any tips or advice, I would appreciate it.
...[text shortened]... study the endgame but im not sure what the correct way to play things starting on move 55 was.
That was a very good game... You should have won the game but I think you passed the b-file pawn a bit too early...

Good luck 🙂

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Well, I didn't look at it very much, but it seems the game would have been finished much faster after 42...Bf4+, winning the queen.

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Originally posted by clandarkfire
Well, I didn't look at it very much, but it seems the game would have been finished much faster after 42...Bf4+, winning the queen.
Whoops, that loses a queen rather than gaining one after the simple Qxh3.

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Originally posted by demonseed
Whoops, that loses a queen rather than gaining one after the simple Qxh3.
Hmm... Well, I said I didnt look at it very long...😞

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thanks for your comments, they were useful 🙂

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