21 Jun 17
...I now have a lost game."
Is a famous note by Tarrasch who upon following the recommended
opening theory discovered he was in awful position and was lost..
It happened to me but I was lucky.
apsol - greenpawn, RHP, June 2017.
Here, from a Marshall Gambit, as Black I had just played 15...Re8.
There is game I know that went 16.Bxf7+ Kxf7 17.Qf3+ Kg6! and Black won.
But if White had played 16.Qf3
A move I noticed the moment I clicked 'send' I'm lost. I think I would resigned.
White is threatening mate with Qxf7+ and Qxe8. 16...Be6 17.Bxe6 Qxg4 1-0.
Instead I won the game. it finished.