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Andorra (7)

Andorra (7)

Only Chess


It was like in Borislav Ivkov's games. Relatively good start, than mistake, long struggling, than glimpse of hope, even a chance for win, and then disaster in zeitnot.

I lost. It hurts. There is no help. It hurts.
I was in bad position, but eventually I could win, but didn't see bad news coming.

Here's how it was.

On this tournament, I always spend first half an hour to calm myself down, waiting that running kids (if they had let fighting dogs on the players, it would have been better), for chatting spectators to finish their meaningless waffling and blu-blubling. I wait that players get their seats and stop pushing my chair.
Today I got an impression that I was only player who wasn’t crackling with my or others empty chair, who wasn’t coughing or sneezing, who wasn’t chatting with someone, who didn’t make noise of what so ever kind. I was only one healthy today on Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain. Ha? Physically at least.

VII round, me white
Irkovic de Eserbia vs. Caron, Demian d’France

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Slow motion *imagine the host in studio with funny tie and flares trousers from sixties, surrounded with hot babies and few "experts" with thick glasses...

It was Alvis Vitolinsh attack against Scheweningen variation in Sicilian.

Here I should have played 13. a3 instead of 13. e5?

Here I played 28. a4 struggling for survival.

Here Black played 40. ...Rb6? and I equalized.

Here I could play 51. N any xe5+ and win!

If I'd played til 55th move, I would have received such problem-like mate.
Nice for everyone, but not for me.


Originally posted by vandervelde
Slow motion *imagine the host in studio with funny tie and flares trousers from sixties, surrounded with hot babies and few "experts" with thick glasses...

[fen]rnbqkb1r/pp3ppp/3ppn2/1B6/3NP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R1BQK2R b KQkq -[/fen]
It was Alvis Vitolinsh attack against Scheweningen variation in Sicilian.
[fen]r4rk1/1bqnbppp/p2ppn2/1p6/3NPP2/2N2B2/PP ...[text shortened]... h move, I would have received such problem-like mate.
Nice for everyone, but not for me.
When I read "experts in thick glasses, I immediately thought of the late GM Edmar Mednis! With the exception that he really was an expert in chess in every sense of the word, of course.

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Great pity about the missed shot here.

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