So I'm posting my second game on here, another interesting game. Lots of mistakes on white's part that could have been avoided. I would love it if some higher rated players could help me. It's easy to spot my opponent's mistakes but I have a hard time of seeing mine, possibly because I obviously make the best moves I can think of and still won (so they worked, but please comment). For instance, move 18, I really felt there had to be something snazzy for black's knight to do, but I couldn't figure it out so I opted for e5...
[Event "Open invite"] [Site ""] [Date "2013.01.25"] [EndDate "2013.02.09"] [Round "?"] [White "LuciusCornelius"] [Black "Phantom of Chess"] [WhiteRating "1164"] [BlackRating "1419"] [WhiteElo "1164"] [BlackElo "1419"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "9804506"] 1. e4 c5 {Sicilian} 2. d4 {Unexpected by me, not sure what line this is} cxd4 {Seems to be okay} 3. Qd1xd4 Nb8c6 {Attacks queen, develops gains tempo for black} 4. Qd4d5 {poor choice, black can do Nf6 now} Ng8f6 5. Qd5c4 e6 6. Ng1f3 Qd8a5 7. Nb1c3 Bf8b4 {I had my eyes on the fork by checking the king and attacking the rook simultaneously with Qxc3} 8. a3 d5 {I knew white couldn't take the bishop. 1. axb4 Qxa1 2. Qd3, Qxc1} 9. Qc4d3 {poor choice} dxe4 {queen and knight forked, knight on c3 is pinned} 10. Qd3e3 exf3 11. Qe3xf3 O-O 12. Bf1c4 Nf6e4 {Applies lots of pressure to c3, also if the queen takes I win the rook} 13. Qf3xe4 Bb4xc3 14. bxc3 Qa5xc3 15. Ke1e2 Nc6d4 {Gives the possibility of a discovered check with Rd8, if my opponent moves Kf1 rather than Kd1 he loses his bishop and rook, or queen. 1. Kf1 Qxc4 2. Ke1 Qc3 back where we were and up a bishop now too, or 1. Kf1 Qxc4 2. Kg1 Ne2 3. Kf1 Ng3 win's queen}16. Ke2d1 Qc3xa1 17. Kd1d2 Rf8d8 {Discovered check coming} 18. c3 e5 {Okay, this is the move I had issues with-I felt there had to be a nice knight move but I could see it-I need a better brain than mine to figure this out, if it is there; also, my opponent cannot take my knight or they lose their queen, 1. cxd4 Rxd4} 19. Qe4xe5 Nd4c6 {White just lost their queen} 20. Qe5d5 Rd8xd5 21. Bc4xd5 Bc8f5 22. Rh1e1 Ra8d8 {I put it in my notes-<b>DO NOT MOVE ROOK</b>, would have been a bad way to end an overly well played game lol}0-1
Don't think you made any mistakes in that game. Perhaps there may have been some faster wins that you missed, but you played very well - took the advantage and didn't let go. Well done 🙂
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