That's a tough order....the Reti can be played without much study of opening lines...the closest thing from Black's point of view would be (for d4) the King's indian with early c5 or (for e4) the Pirc....problem is that there is lots of book to learn for both the King's Indian and the Pirc........
Sorry, Pat Avery (nest)
Well I can give a game how not to play the Reti from blacks point of view 1N-f3 e6 2d4 B-b4 3N-c3 c5 4e3 cxd4 5e3xd4n-f6 6B-f4 b6 7B-d3 b-b7 8 0-0 Ng4 9N-g5 N-c6 10 Qxg4 Nxd4 11 N-h7 Rxh7 12bBxh7
Nxc2 13 Bxc2 R-c8 14 B-g5 f6 15 Q-h5+ k-f8 16 B-d2 d5 17 a3 B-c5
18 B-g6 kf7 19 Q-h7 ch k-f8 20 Q-h8+ ke7 21 Q-g7+ k-d6 22 Bf4 K-e5 23 R(f1) -d1 Ke6 24 Q-f7 mate Deputy Dawg 28v Travel Todd Chessworld 2003 🙂Yours John Hamer ( deputy1)
Thanks, both. I feared that the KID and Pirc were 'round about the closest, and that's certainly more mainstream than I want to go 🙂
I've read the Alekhine is close in spirit, having a certain hypermodern objective. I may look into that.
In the meantime, I'm going to study the Reti some more but won't be adopting it in serious games any time soon. Pyrrho has got me interested in Bird's opening, however . . . 🙂