ok, so I threw in the disclaimer this time.
I'm not so sure the opening was all ideal,
as often times my openings against these sort of Exchange-Variation-ish are horrible. other than that, I think i did ok.
more importantly, I was wondering if this site has a feature where we can save blitz games we want to keep in a sort of Blitz archive. I'd love to go over this one and many other blitzes in my free time.
Originally posted by rubberjaw30where is the game?
ok, so I threw in the disclaimer this time.
I'm not so sure the opening was all ideal,
as often times my openings against these sort of Exchange-Variation-ish are horrible. other than that, I think i did ok.
more importantly, I was wondering if this site has a feature where we can save blitz games we want to keep in a sort of Blitz archive. I'd love to go over this one and many other blitzes in my free time.
Originally posted by tomtom232[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
where is the game?
[Site "www.redhotpawn.com"]
[Date "2007.12.10"]
[Round "?"]
[White "matlim"]
[Black "rubberjaw30"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. e2-e4 c7-c6 2. Nb1-c3 d7-d5 3. e4xd5 c6xd5 4. d2-d4 Ng8-f6 5. Bf1-b5 Bc8-d7 6. Bb5xd7 Nb8xd7 7. Ng1-f3 e7-e6 8. Bc1-g5 Bf8-e7 9. Qd1-d3 O-O 10. h2-h3 Ra8-c8 11. O-O Be7-b4 12. a2-a3 Bb4xc3 13. b2xc3 Qd8-c7 14. Nf3-e5 Qc7xc3 15. Qd3xc3 Rc8xc3 16. Ne5xd7 Nf6xd7 17. Bg5-e7 Rf8-c8 18. Be7-b4 Rc3xc2 19. a3-a4 Rc2-c4 20. Bb4-a5 Rc4xd4 21. Rf1-d1 Rd4xd1 22. Ra1xd1 b7-b6 23. Ba5-d2 Rc8-c4 24. Rd1-a1 Nd7-c5 25. a4-a5 Nc5-b3 26. Ra1-a2 Nb3xd2 27. Ra2xd2 b6xa5 28. Rd2-a2 Rc4-c8 29. Ra2xa5 Rc8-a8 30. Ra5-c5 a7-a5 31. Rc5-c3 d5-d4 32. Rc3-d3 e6-e5 33. f2-f3 a5-a4 34. Rd3-a3 f7-f6 35. g2-g4 Kg8-f7 36. Kg1-g2 Kf7-e6 37. Kg2-g3 Ke6-d5 38. f3-f4 Kd5-c4 39. f4xe5 f6xe5 40. Kg3-f3 Kc4-b4 41. Ra3-a1 a4-a3 42. Kf3-e4 a3-a2 43. Ke4xe5 d4-d3 44. h3-h4 d3-d2 45. g4-g5 Ra8-f8 46. Ra1xa2 d2-d1=Q 47. Ra2-b2 Kb4-c4 48. Rb2-a2 Qd1-d5 0-1
right here
Originally posted by rubberjaw30Take it to site ideas...
...I was wondering if this site has a feature where we can save blitz games we want to keep in a sort of Blitz archive. I'd love to go over this one and many other blitzes in my free time.
(And I mean that encouragingly, not insultingly. It's indeed a very good idea...)
Originally posted by rubberjaw30or even make blizt games have game ids so that you could post links to them
ok, so I threw in the disclaimer this time.
I'm not so sure the opening was all ideal,
as often times my openings against these sort of Exchange-Variation-ish are horrible. other than that, I think i did ok.
more importantly, I was wondering if this site has a feature where we can save blitz games we want to keep in a sort of Blitz archive. I'd love to go over this one and many other blitzes in my free time.