This idea was in there which looks good.
Following the check all check models and look at forcing moves.
When a piece up sac it back for bigger gains.
I hate allowing my guy to castle and stop it if I can.
(also I never need much of an excuse to sac on f7)
r2qk2r/1p2b2p/p1bp2p1/5P2/3p4/1B3Q2/PP3PPP/RNB1R1K1 w kq - 0 1
[FEN "r2qk2r/1p2b2p/p1bp2p1/5P2/3p4/1B3Q2/PP3PPP/RNB1R1K1 w kq - 0 1"] 1. Bf7+ Kxf7 {Possibly best if Black refuses this and plays Kd7} 2. fxg6+ {Double check so Black cannot take the QUeen} Kxg6 3. Qg4+ Kf7 4. Qe6+ Ke8 5. Bg5 {White is going to win his piece back and still be a piece up}