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Anyone want to tell me why?

Anyone want to tell me why?

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Why I decided a giant pawn storm was a good idea? Despite the fact I won. Played this one in 05 I think. Just thumbing through some old games on GK

[Date "2005.12.05"]
[Round "-"]
[White "blitzwar0"]
[Black "surnight"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1410"]
[BlackElo "1710"]

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Maybe you will famous for inventing the zillion pawn attack.

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I had a good chuckle at 6. g4

On a more serious note: I would be quite proud of that game

You did something amusingly nifty and got away with it!

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Yea you telling me! I did that in the first round of a tournament! O to be young and crazy. I was 15 when I did that.

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Originally posted by Blitz00
Yea you telling me! I did that in the first round of a tournament! O to be young and crazy. I was 15 when I did that.
Why did you not play 7 e4? followed by 8 a4 and 9 b4?

That's what my 5 yo son did against me in his first ever game of chess. Then he started moving the pawn wall to the 5th rank. I resigned.

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Originally posted by Blitz00
Why I decided a giant pawn storm was a good idea? Despite the fact I won. Played this one in 05 I think. Just thumbing through some old games on GK[pgn]1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 O-O 5. f4 e6 6. g4 b6 7. e5 Ne8 8. h4 Bb7 9. Nf3 d6 10. Rh2 dxe5 11. fxe5 Nc6 12. h5 Ne7 13. hxg6 fxg6 14. Bg2 Qd7 15. Bh6 Bxh6 16. Rxh6 Rf7 17. Ng5 Bxg2 18. Nxf7 Kxf7 19. ...[text shortened]... tzwar0"]
[Black "surnight"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1410"]
[BlackElo "1710"]
Fun game. 🙂 Congrats, always nice when an attack comes off so well. 🙂

Why not 20. Qe3+ though?

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Im not sure as to what you mean? If i go 20. Qe3 I lose my queen and there is no check. Unless I am missing something...which is entirely possible.

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Originally posted by ParShooter
Why did you not play 7 e4? followed by 8 a4 and 9 b4?

That's what my 5 yo son did against me in his first ever game of chess. Then he started moving the pawn wall to the 5th rank. I resigned.
Because I wanted the pawn storm to be on the side the king was going to be on...and that side happened to be it lol

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Originally posted by Blitz00
Why I decided a giant pawn storm was a good idea? Despite the fact I won. Played this one in 05 I think. Just thumbing through some old games on GK[pgn]1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 O-O 5. f4 e6 6. g4 b6 7. e5 Ne8 8. h4 Bb7 9. Nf3 d6 10. Rh2 dxe5 11. fxe5 Nc6 12. h5 Ne7 13. hxg6 fxg6 14. Bg2 Qd7 15. Bh6 Bxh6 16. Rxh6 Rf7 17. Ng5 Bxg2 18. Nxf7 Kxf7 19. ...[text shortened]... tzwar0"]
[Black "surnight"]
[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1410"]
[BlackElo "1710"]
I thought it all looked pretty playable in a 5 minute game, you got quite lucky with black missing 21..Qf4+ though... 😉

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Originally posted by Marinkatomb
I thought it all looked pretty playable in a 5 minute game, you got quite lucky with black missing 21..Qf4+ though... 😉
Yes sir I am...lol

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Not that it matters, but 27. Qh3+ wins more easily (27... Nh6 28. Qxh6+ followed by mate on g7).

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Nice I never even saw that one. Appreciate it I like flaws being pointed out or missed chances. That would of been pretty brutal.

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