Is there anything more annoying then someone who stops playing one turn before checkmate?
Game 1674402
non subs can only play 6 at a time ... this sort of behaviour will affect them greatly ...
by you are a sub ... you can just ignore this game now ... putting it in you bag of wins ... and get on with new games ...
get over it ...
and yes there is worse ... when you are losing in a tournament game ... but continue for an extra move or two ... then you opponent gets themself timed out ...
Originally posted by cerealkilla... like having a Mona Lisa painting without a smile!
Is there anything more annoying then someone who stops playing one turn before checkmate?
Game 1674402
Originally posted by cerealkillaCan't comment on games "in progress".😉
Is there anything more annoying then someone who stops playing one turn before checkmate?
Game 1674402
Originally posted by cerealkillaI"m not sure what this means, "without interruption..." How long was it since your opponent's last move and your post about the delay? What is the time control for the game? Without knowing at least that much, it's hard to judge whether your opponent was trying to annoy you or not.
we were playing without interrumption for 15 moves
anyway,he has moved now,so the game is over,I'll try not to make a thread out of things like this in the future,I promise! ^^
Originally posted by cerealkillaI used to work with a guy, who whenever someone would say "is there anything worse than XYZ ...", he'd say "Yeah, XYZ and being on fire"
Is there anything more annoying then someone who stops playing one turn before checkmate?
Game 1674402