I am currently having difficulties due to an injury at work. No need to go into details, I just can't keep on top of all my current games. I have therefore taken the difficult decision to resign many of the games I am currently playing.
I will be keeping all clan games with seven day or over time controls, the final group of the March Quartets that I am playing in and my ladder games. Any clan games less than seven days a move also get resigned with an "I told you so" to my clan leader.
To everyone else I offer my apologies for not being able to fulfill my obligation to play the game to the best of my ability.
Originally posted by BahariFear not, I haven't gone away. The problem isn't the injury as much as the painkillers I have been given and the effect they have on my ability to analyse a position. Less games over longer time controls hopefully means not too many dopey moves.
We wish you will recover soon to join us again.