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02 Feb 06
17 Mar 07
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I hadn't played a slow game in a while, so I tried a couple 25-0 games tonight to see how my game was. This is the result of my second game:

[Event "Rated game, 25m + 0s"]
[Site "Main Playing Hall"]
[Date "2007.03.16"]
[Round "?"]
[White "CMSMaster"]
[Black "Hasenbein"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B12"]
[WhiteElo "1590"]
[BlackElo "1708"]
[PlyCount "97"]
[EventDate "2007.03.16"]
[TimeControl "1500"]

1. e4 {1} c6 {2} 2. d4 {6} d5 {9} 3. e5 {1} Bf5 {6} 4. g4 {2} Bg6 {9} 5. h4 {2}
h6 {7} 6. h5 {2} Bh7 {1} 7. Bd3 {0} Bxd3 {2} 8. Qxd3 {0} Qa5+ {3} 9. Bd2 {2}
Qa6 {2} 10. Qxa6 {9} Nxa6 {1} 11. Nc3 {1} e6 {2} 12. O-O-O {2} Bb4 {8} 13. f4 {
3} Bxc3 {2} 14. Bxc3 {1} Ne7 {2} 15. Ne2 {11} O-O {3} 16. Bd2 {2} Rac8 {11} 17.
g5 {1} Nf5 {5} 18. Rdg1 {6} c5 {13} 19. Ng3 {11} Nxg3 {16} 20. Rxg3 {1} Kh8 {8}
21. gxh6 {6} gxh6 {4} 22. f5 {5} cxd4 {4} 23. Bxh6 {4} Rg8 {5} 24. Rhg1 {45}
Rxg3 {4} 25. Rxg3 {2} Rg8 {2} 26. Rxg8+ {2} Kxg8 {2} 27. f6 {1} Nb4 {15} 28. a3
{7} Nc6 {2} 29. Bg7 {3} Nxe5 {4} 30. h6 {1} Ng4 {9} 31. Kd2 {3} Kh7 {5} 32. Kd3
{3} Nxh6 {1} 33. Bxh6 {1} Kxh6 {1} 34. Kxd4 {CMSMaster offers a draw 0} Kg6 {6}
35. Ke5 {1} b6 {17} 36. b3 {4} a6 {2} 37. a4 {3} a5 {10} 38. c3 {2} Kg5 {2} 39.
c4 {10} dxc4 {2} 40. bxc4 {1} Kg6 {3} 41. Kd6 {17} Kxf6 {2} 42. Kc6 {1} Ke5 {15
} 43. Kxb6 {1} f5 {1} 44. c5 {1} f4 {1} 45. c6 {0} f3 {4} 46. c7 {0} f2 {1} 47.
c8=Q {0} f1=Q {2} 48. Qc5+ {4} Kf6 {10} 49. Qf8+ {
Hasenbein gibt auf (Lag: Av=0.29s, max=0.9s) 6} 1-0

My move 29 appears to be my major blunder - it looked so natural too. 🙁

Move 19 wasn't great either. 🙁

Anyhow, I was happy that my opponent blundered, but kind of disappointed at the same time, because how often do you get to play out an endgame like that?

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The Universe

30 Jun 06
17 Mar 07
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You played really good moves all the way up to Bg7 like you said (maybe a little drawishly but understandable given the high rated opponent).

Since you didn't have anything that could control h7 the pawn was doomed to being ganged up on. I guess you needed to play Bf4 and just get a draw, I can't really see how anybody could win since your king would be needed over by the h pawn and in the meantime he could harass your queen side and pass his d pawn and such (so your king can't go over to the h pawn)

Black ended up losing the easily won endgame anyway though (well at least in CC easy to win), probably time pressure.

Good game

Not material

The Universe

30 Jun 06
17 Mar 07
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Black to move. Describe the winning plan.


29 Aug 06
17 Mar 07
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Originally posted by Spacetime
[fen]8/5p2/pp2pPk1/3pK3/P7/1P6/2P5/8 b - - 0 37[/fen]

Black to move. Describe the winning plan.
Here's my uninformed stab at it....

Push the D-pawn. If White takes it with his King, then Black Kxf6. Now, Black has two unobstructed passed pawns on E and F with his King in a dominating position.

If White, ever advances the c-pawn then White has lost. Black will either capture the c-pawn with the d-pawn or advance right past it.

White cannot make progress with the a,b pawns without the help of the c-pawn or the King. In either case, White should be lost.

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