Originally posted by kr1dudeIt's the Scandinavian and people used to play this to get white "out of the book" but it's not a surprise anymore. Anand played it against Kasparov (and lost).
why do people play 1. e4 d5? 2. exd5 qxd5 3. knight to c3 and black wastes a move on his queen. Why play that
Better is the gambit version for black 2..Nf6 called the Icelandic Gambit.
I've heard it called the Center Counter Defense. The people I meet typically play it to (as hypermo said) try to keep White from playing memorized lines, and also because they are agressive players who like to get the Queen out early so they can try to get combinations.
I disagree with the statement that "black wastes a move on his queen." I'll analyze the opening move by move to show why this isn't true.
1 e4 - A good developing move, freeing the King's B.
1...d5 - A good developing move, freeing the QB.
2 exd5 - A good move, BUT it wastes a tempo. No development takes place here. White is now down a developing tempo (W-1).
2...Qxd5 - The Queen gets developed. W-1 still.
3 Nc3 - The Knight gets developed. W-1.
3...Qa5 - Here Black loses his developing tempo advantage over White by moving the Queen a second time. Both sides are equal in developing tempo (+0).
If you analyze it with absolute tempo instead of developing tempo, Black is actually up one tempo. The Queen needs two moves to get to where she is, and the Knight only needs one. Black loses this extra tempo if he moves the d pawn though, because then the Queen can get to her position with one move. (This idea is taken basically from Znosko-Borovsky's "The Middle Game In Chess"😉. <=== This smiley guy is annoying. He keeps coming up when I don't want him there.
Anyway...by this time, both sides are at least even in tempo, no matter how you look at it.
I think it still has weaknesses, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.
Originally posted by kr1dudeis your chess so good that you can take advantage of being 1 tempi ahead in the opening? i'm more concerned about not throwing a piece away to a pawn or knight fork that i missed!!
why do people play 1. e4 d5? 2. exd5 qxd5 3. knight to c3 and black wastes a move on his queen. Why play that