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Bait on b8

Bait on b8

Only Chess


Smashing game dug up by chance from the RHP graveyard.

I could easily have called this bloggy thing : The blunders of Protelcom
Both Ernie and the Duck both find fault with same game.

Plus a pic of me and Mrs greenpawn.

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Have loads of games with this pattern.

Two good examples from the 2012 Championship.
First a White win.

Gatusso - rafasegovia RHP Ch 2012

Second is a Black win.

yournightmare - thaughbaer RHP Ch 2012

thaughbaer with a rather clumsy move 13th move (13…Rb8) drops the exchange.
Though he will no doubt claim it was a sacrifice. I would 🙂

The Black Knight then takes over the game. First it hops all over the Queenside
annoying Rooks. Then onto the Kingside to set up mating threats and other tricks.
Meanwhile White is toiling to find ways to get his Rooks into the game.
Just when it appears the breakthough in the centre is about to happen White
walks into a trick kicked off with a Knight sacrifice.

The resignation is perhaps too soon. I would have played on.

Though the Queen v two Rooks is better for Black. I would still need to be shown.


Not a sacrifice.. postit note.. check all forks.. fell off monitor.

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