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Beautiful Checkmates

Beautiful Checkmates

Only Chess

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Everyone I have decided to create a thread on which you can post weird and wonderful checkmates of yours. I'll start.

I'm black.

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Congratulations. One thing that will make these posts better if comments and explanations are added. Info like what you were thinking, what tactical/positional themes were you using, what mistakes did your opponent make? See various posts in this forum by greenpawn34, he is a master at it.

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Ok, I'll bite: I, playing White, got into a position in which a famous mate is possible involving a queen sac and a lone knight delivers the coup de grace. My opponent resigned before the axe fell. From the final position: if 29. ... K-N1; then 30. N-R6 double and discovered check, K-R1; 31. Q-N8+!!, RxQ (forced); 32. N-B7 mate. 29. ... RxN merely postpones the inevitable. White continues 30. QxR, B-B1; 31. P-Q5, Q-N3 or Q-B2; 32. P-K6 and Black's position is untenable.

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Originally posted by Tygert
Everyone I have decided to create a thread on which you can post weird and wonderful checkmates of yours. I'll start.[pgn][Event "Clan challenge"]
[Site "http://www.playtheimmortalgame.com"]
[Date "2013.06.06"]
[EndDate "2013.06.19"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Beeny"]
[Black "Tygert"]
[WhiteRating "1398"]
[BlackRating "1449"]
[WhiteElo "1398"]
[BlackElo "1 Ra1xe1 Re8xe1 22. Kg1f2 Rd8e8 23. Bb6xa7 Ng3h1 0-1[/pgn]
I'm black.
Would 23. Be3 have saved the day?

Edit: Or Kxf3?

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Originally posted by MontyMoose
Congratulations. One thing that will make these posts better if comments and explanations are added. Info like what you were thinking, what tactical/positional themes were you using, what mistakes did your opponent make? See various posts in this forum by greenpawn34, he is a master at it.
I know... I love watching his games simply for the comments. I don't know how though. I'll ask him.

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Be3 wouldn't: 1.Re8 x e3 2.Qxe3 Rxe3 3. Kxe3. I would a knight up and that is a sure 1-0.

Kxg3: yes it would be he didn't notice the checkmate because it is very strange.

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Originally posted by moonbus
Ok, I'll bite: I, playing White, got into a position in which a famous mate is possible involving a queen sac and a lone knight delivers the coup de grace. My opponent resigned before the axe fell. From the final position: if 29. ... K-N1; then 30. N-R6 double and discovered check, K-R1; 31. Q-N8+!!, RxQ (forced); 32. N-B7 mate. 29. ... RxN merely postpones ...[text shortened]... h8 26. Nb1a3 c5 27. Na3c4 Qb6c6 28. Nc4d6 Bg5e7 29. Nd6xf7 1-0[/pgn]
That's really cool and it's one of my favourite mating patterns. Glad to finally see a case study of it.

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Originally posted by USArmyParatrooper
Would 23. Be3 have saved the day?

Edit: Or Kxf3?
It looks like his obvious mistake was 21...Nb6d5 losing the knight after 22.Qxd5. Oh, you are referring to the first game. 23.Kxg3 looks best.

The Instructor

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Originally posted by Tygert
That's really cool and it's one of my favourite mating patterns. Glad to finally see a case study of it.
Yes, it is a beautiful mating net; on every schoolboy's "required reading list". I published annotations: Game 9884339 -- clearly Black blundered away a N on move 21, as RJH noted. My opponent, Mike Ivan, is a tricky player who sometimes punches above his weight--he once checkmated a 2000+ player in a tourney here at RHP.

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Originally posted by moonbus
Yes, it is a beautiful mating net; on every schoolboy's "required reading list". I published annotations: Game 9884339 -- clearly Black blundered away a N on move 21, as RJH noted. My opponent, Mike Ivan, is a tricky player who sometimes punches above his weight--he once checkmated a 2000+ player in a tourney here at RHP.
Hey everyone, how do you add an annotated game to this forum?

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How to add annotations to a forum post? I dunno. Ask GP34.
Annotating a game you have already finished is easy; go to "My Games" and click the "annotation" button. What I have not figured out is how to get the annotations into a thread such as this one.

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Never mind but check out my one annotated game. I've only done one so it should be easy to find.


Originally posted by moonbus
How to add annotations to a forum post? I dunno. Ask GP34.
Annotating a game you have already finished is easy; go to "My Games" and click the "annotation" button. What I have not figured out is how to get the annotations into a thread such as this one.
[ pgn ]
[FEN "8/8/k7/8/K7/8/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1.Ka3 { insert your comment in the curly braces like so } Ka7 { And the players finally agreed to a draw }
[ /pgn ]

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Step #1: Convince your opponent that you're crap by giving up an exchange for no reason. Step #2: Swindle!

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Originally posted by SwissGambit
Step #1: Convince your opponent that you're crap by giving up an exchange for no reason. Step #2: Swindle!

[pgn][Event "Edited game"]
[Date "2013.06.20"]
[Round "-"]
[White "-"]
[Black "-"]
[Result "*"]

1. Nc3 Nf6 2. e4 d6 3. g3 g6 4. Bg2 Bg7 5. Nge2 c5 6. O-O Nc6 7. d3 O-O 8. f4 Bg4 9. h3 Bxe2 10. Qxe2 Rb8 11. Be3 Qd7 12. Kh2 b5 13. e5 dxe5 1 ...[text shortened]... 47. Bg2 { Pin #1 } 47... Qf4+ 48. Rg3 { Pin #2 } 48... Nf3# { mate } * [/pgn]
Ha - that was awesome.

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