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Beautiful Romantic Game

Beautiful Romantic Game

Only Chess

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I was messing around online and found this game.

It has some truly beautiful tactics.

There was a big debate whether this is an actual game or analysis.

It's beautiful how the mate threats keep popping up.

Perhaps Greenpawn can shed some historical light on this game.

There is one flaw in it. 10.Qe1 ! refutes the variation.

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Why not add Kh1 Bf2+ Kh2 Qg1# at the end.

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Here's another beauty in this opening variation.

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I've used this game on my site.

Had no idea the authenticty was in doubt.

Post a link.

3 edits
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I like this game by Scotlands very own Mr. Agaard, getting a tanking here, never the less, very instructive game on how to constantly pile the pressure on, until ones opponent position falls a part!

pressurizing down the h file with pawn and pressure on diagonals are thematic, very instructive!

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
I've used this game on my site.

Had no idea the authenticty was in doubt.

Post a link.

Underneath the game, is a reference to Winters among other things.
(Be sure to look at both pages of kibitzing.)

The game is also not in the book The Chess Games Of Adolph Anderssen by Pickard (which is supposed to include them all).

They also make a reference to Winters in the kibitzing.

After a brief (very brief) search at the Winters site. Here is one (of probably many) of the search results.

(See 3885 and 3888)


I'm sure there's more.
This just brings about the question of its authenticity (not the proof).

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