Originally posted by jonbeckett73I once drank almost half liters of jackdaniels , and I played awesome 😲 But it was only once.
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Out of interest, I remember reading some time ago that you lose the diagonals first if drinking and trying to play chess - anybody ever tried to figure out how beer effected their chess playing ?
Originally posted by jonbeckett73I drink beer, I play chess.
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Out of interest, I remember reading some time ago that you lose the diagonals first if drinking and trying to play chess - anybody ever tried to figure out how beer effected their chess playing ?
I don't drink beer, I play chess.
Ergo drinking beer doesn't not affect me playing chess.
I did once play a friend after a couple of bottles of wine... we had talked about playing for ages, but never got around to it.
I immediately hung a bishop (which he took) - and then I apparently dissappeared off inside my head and started concentrating - and took him to the cleaners.
I seem to remember from the days of Sensible Soccer and Kick Off that you could actually sober up by playing certain video games that required brain power.