Originally posted by cmsMasterThat's a pretty nice game.
Here's my first game using this
Game 2153910
Nice result.
I'm no Benko expert, but a4 looks like the mistake that brings the house down.
Nice game but I didn't like 14...Ne5 although you had the right idea in mind - move knight to the queen side (aiming at c4 square and putting more heat on b2). After 14...Ne5 white could simply exchange knights and your precious Benko-Bishop would be locked behind e5-pawn (15.Nxe5 dxe5 and white can target on your c5-pawn).
More common is to play 14...Ng4 and then 15...Nge5, if white exchanges you can replace it with your least active piece (btw, in many lines white tries to prevent this plan by playing h3 before Re1-e4).