Seems to be a bug here. No text loaded.
This happens a lot.
As i was saying, and will have to retype.
I bought chess playing software from a $1 only store last month.
Weak on the first setting, but can get to 2100. It was killing me last time on level 3, but i got 2 games off it, with no takebacks.
Loads pgn. and Fen. files.
There are a lots of free and shareware on teh net, and lesser know software. Any reviews?
Originally posted by GrandmousterWhat is it called ? $1 seems cheap!
Seems to be a bug here. No text loaded.
This happens a lot.
As i was saying, and will have to retype.
I bought chess playing software from a $1 only store last month.
Weak on the first setting, but can get to 2100. It was killing me last time on level 3, but i got 2 games off it, with no takebacks.
Loads pgn. and Fen. files.
There are a lots of free and shareware on teh net, and lesser know software. Any reviews?
Originally posted by Grandmoustercool, well I head fritz 6 was for free on the internet and it was legal, not kazaa or napster of whatever people are using now days, I think it was a promotion thing to get into the fritz family and I found it couple of years ago but then computer crashed.
Its called compuchess 2004. It was $1 in the store, but sells for $5 on the website.
its called 3d chess
They also have winboard and Xboard which are 1700-1800 I believe.