For the moment. Anand (suprisingly) beat Carlsen with black today... With, would you believe it, the Berlin Wall. Game with decent notes here:
Use the drop down tab to get to Anand-Carlsen...
Carlsen really needs to get his head back in the game ASAPly. Half the reason Kasparov and Karpov were so great was because they had the "Aura of Invincibility" about them. You could count the number of games they lost in a year with 1 hand. Carlsen's lost 5 games within the past 2 weeks I think(?)...
Anyway, bored... Felt like talking gossip lol.
Originally posted by wormwoodYeah I guess, I'm not saying he's a flash in the pan or anything though... I just think a lot of people are really looking forward to Anand-Carlsen 2012. Anand's kind of been a disappointment as WCC IMO. Great player, but not very active... And seems to save all his tricks for the matches.
the world champion is the new #1? funny choice of words there. 🙂
the kid probably found out there's this whole thing called 'drunken casual sex with babes you just met in a bar you can't remember the name of'. he'll be back.
Word on the street is that Carlsen's in love btw. Anyone know with whom? If Liv Tyler that would really be fantastic lol.
Originally posted by nimzo5From what I understand he's also been the least active champion since Botvinnik... or Fischer, if that counts? I like Anand, seems like a real nice guy, just making the point that people are more enthusiastic about chess when the World Champion's out on tour taking names and generating press.
Anand has been the least controversial champion since Euwe.
You obviously don't remember the Kramnik era if you think Anand is bad...
Anand just played a WC match in April, no surprise he didnt play much before or after. It's typical to take a couple months off after the stress of a match.
Would have been nice to see Anand at the Olympiad but it seems that India didn't want to pay up to have him on the squad?
Kasparov had an annual schedule, he just got his name in press more for his exhibitons than Anand does. I am sure you will see Anand at events in the coming year as he doesn't have to defend his title yet.
I disagree about Bilbao being a boring drawish tournament. I thought there were a few real gems. The Anand-Shirov French game was a 'fighting draw' by any measure, and I had a great time watching it unfold.
Plus, I love seeing the old timers mop the floor with Carlsen. I mean, I want to see Carlsen become the next Kasparov, but I also want to see him go through some hazing to get there. 😉