I had a good win (for me at least) recently - against a higher ranked player (ok I was 1500 and he was in the mid 1600s - so not super high). Any way - I sacked a Bishop to open up the pawn in front of his King, which led to his game falling apart - he made and unexpected (and I think poor) move with 16 .. Nxe4. I think he was trying to get his Knight out, to use his Bishop and Queen - but it failed with my pawn move. Any thoughts here? Towards the end (move 21) I took his Bishop with my Rook, but I knew I'd get his Rook or Queen in the next 4 moves - leading to his resignation.
Game 6634818
Originally posted by CSHamiltonI think I probably would have played 16...Nh7 to shore up my kingside protection and get the bishop and queen into the game.
I had a good win (for me at least) recently - against a higher ranked player (ok I was 1500 and he was in the mid 1600s - so not super high). Any way - I sacked a Bishop to open up the pawn in front of his King, which led to his game falling apart - he made and unexpected (and I think poor) move with 16 .. Nxe4. I think he was trying to get his Knight o ...[text shortened]... 22. Rd6xg6 Kg8f7 23. Rg6g7 Kf7e8 24. Qh6c6 Ke8d8 25. Qc6xa8 1-0[/pgn]
Originally posted by Mad RookThat's the move I was expecting - I had planned a few moves based on that. Maybe that's why he went with something else, occasionally doing something to baffle your opponent is good (in this case it wasn't).
I think I probably would have played 16...Nh7 to shore up my kingside protection and get the bishop and queen into the game.
10. f5, wa a poor move, your opponent missed Qb6, pinning and winning a piece, since Be3 ran into e5.
After 11 Be3 e5, the knight can,t move whitout allowing Qe3, (Sometime, you would like to able to take your own pieces 🙂..
He missed nxe4 at move 11 too, hard to see.
and you are right, after 16.. Nxe4, Black will get killed.
The bishop sacrifice was not so sound after Nh7 tought. maybe losing, but losing the knight allow f6 which directly win the game.
Don't try that f5 again, you'll lose a knight. and will not be happy.
Yes I did miss the possibility of the Qb6 pin (of course he did too - so not horrible). I do need to watch those angle attacks from the Queen they will likely cause me pain down the road.
Anyway, if he had moved Nh7 - I would still have had some decent play (I took out two pawns, so a piece for two pawns while not ideal isn't bad). I could have gotten the Rook involved as well - and his King would have been semi-exposed. I think I still could have won it - but it would have been harder and taken longer.
You will find the good guys slip in Kh1 before moves like f4 and
also Kb1 after 0-0-0 to avoid nasty things on the exposed King's flank.
Good game.
Sac on h6 was iffy-iffy but playable very brave.
His Nxe4 may have been a sly stab at trying to sneak in a Philidor
Legacy so he was gambling too.
Either that or he intended Bg5 and totally missed you now had a
Knight on e4 (I'd put money on that one - I know how these guys think).
He underestimated f6. I'd guess he was figuring on a Rook lift. d1-d3 - g3/h3.
What's a Philidor's Legacy? Well suppose you did try the
tempting Rook lift. 17.Rd3.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Thanks for the heads up Greenpawn
You will find the good guys slip in Kh1 before moves like f4 and
also Kb1 after 0-0-0 to avoid nasty things on the exposed King's flank.
Good game.
Sac on h6 was iffy-iffy but playable very brave.
His Nxe4 may have been a sly stab at trying to sneak in a Philidor
Legacy so he was gambling too.
Either that or he intended Bg5 and to ...[text shortened]... Qb6+ 2. Kh1 Nf2+ 3. Kg1 Nh3+ 4. Kh1 Qg1+ 5. Rxg1 Nf2#
{Black mates} 0-1
I've seen a Phildor style mate before (not had it happen to me fortunately) - those Knights can be deadly though.
I may not have "seen" the possibility but I killed it anyway :-) Maybe I was just the luckier gambler this time around.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Philidor's legacy- like Montezuma's revenge, you can run but you can't hide!
You will find the good guys slip in Kh1 before moves like f4 and
also Kb1 after 0-0-0 to avoid nasty things on the exposed King's flank.
Good game.
Sac on h6 was iffy-iffy but playable very brave.
His Nxe4 may have been a sly stab at trying to sneak in a Philidor
Legacy so he was gambling too.
Either that or he intended Bg5 and to ...[text shortened]... Qb6+ 2. Kh1 Nf2+ 3. Kg1 Nh3+ 4. Kh1 Qg1+ 5. Rxg1 Nf2#
{Black mates} 0-1
Sorry, it's teh cold medicine talking.
Originally posted by greenpawn34Can't he just play Re3 instead of Kh1? I know it's still lost for white, but there is at least no forced mate. Qe3 will also do.
You will find the good guys slip in Kh1 before moves like f4 and
also Kb1 after 0-0-0 to avoid nasty things on the exposed King's flank.
Good game.
Sac on h6 was iffy-iffy but playable very brave.
His Nxe4 may have been a sly stab at trying to sneak in a Philidor
Legacy so he was gambling too.
Either that or he intended Bg5 and to Qb6+ 2. Kh1 Nf2+ 3. Kg1 Nh3+ 4. Kh1 Qg1+ 5. Rxg1 Nf2#
{Black mates} 0-1