Originally posted by splinter111I don't know about the endgame as that isn't my strong area quite yet but 30.Nd6++ seems to settle the game in a few moves.
I have just finished and annotated an interesting game.
I am curious what the stronger players think about the endgame especially; bishop vs. knight.
[pgn]{[White "pedreatiger"] [Black "splinter111"] [WhiteRating "1691"] [BlackRating "1761"]} 1. b4 e5 2. Bc1b2 Bf8xb4 3. Bb2xe5 Ng8f6 4. Ng1f3 d5 5. e3 Nb8c6 6. a3 Bb4a5 7. Bf1e2 O-O 8. O-O Nc ...[text shortened]... Nc3, I accepted. a game full of turns, i guess a draw is a fair outcome.} 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
Well done Tom Tom you nipped this thread in the bud before the ending
crowd could clog up this thread with their fancy end game vocabulary
most of which is pure mumbo jumbo to me.
This game should never have been an endgame.
The End. 🙂
Hi Splinter.
Some good soild games (and I can see you enjoy playing your endgames.)
But there are tactical chances slipping past you. There was bound to be after
some of the good positions you are building.
Work on spotting these and you will end up a good player.
You are good at the hard bit, getting to these positions in the first place,
the easy bit is wrapping them up.
(even a couple of clowns like me and Tom Tom can see them.) 🙂
This position arose in Game 8793474 You were Black.
Originally posted by splinter111Ignoring earlier errors on both sides I looked solely at the b v n ending. I can understand your optimism. By move 41 black has lots of play/ white is teetering on the brink in my opinion.
I have just finished and annotated an interesting game.
I am curious what the stronger players think about the endgame especially; bishop vs. knight.
[pgn]{[White "pedreatiger"] [Black "splinter111"] [WhiteRating "1691"] [BlackRating "1761"]} 1. b4 e5 2. Bc1b2 Bf8xb4 3. Bb2xe5 Ng8f6 4. Ng1f3 d5 5. e3 Nb8c6 6. a3 Bb4a5 7. Bf1e2 O-O 8. O-O Nc ...[text shortened]... Nc3, I accepted. a game full of turns, i guess a draw is a fair outcome.} 1/2-1/2[/pgn]
However 41..... Ke6 seems a random autopilot king push and the later h6 irrelevant.
On move 41 black's 1st port of call should be to see if a3 works. If not, then black could consider an immediate c5. Alternatively the most solid way to play involving little concrete analysis would be to focus on white's weak kingside with both his pawns fixed on the colour of black's bishop; thus Kf6 Kg5 etc is well worth a probe with h5 if needed.
Overall I would be disapppointed if white escaped with a draw
hi guys,
thanks for your posts
indeed you are right !; i missed Qf1+; white wins the exchange and the game is decided
thanks for kind words; you are right, there is much to learn, not only the endgames 🙂
thanks for your endgame insights; i guess thats the are of chess i need to work on most
once again, thanks for your time and effort
and merry christmas!