i am serious. they are called gajah in indonesia. this is indonesian for elephant. i think the story goes: the englishman who saw the elephant piece didnt know what it was. so when he carved em up he made the trunk held up high into that funny knob on top. and the mouth became the slit which is really more like a knight in shining armour. anyway thats a rumour i heard, and i like it.
The original Arabic word was fil (elephant); this word is still used in Europe, e.g. in Spain: (alfil), in Italy (alfiere) and in Turkey (fil)
In France they misunderstood the word. 'fil., They changed it into 'fou' (fool)
In some other countries it became a adviser, messenger or runner (Germany, Holland, Scandinavia)
In Finnish it is called 'lahetti'. Should ask my clanleader what that means
I can hardly belief that the English were so dumb to confuse bishops and elephants. I think it was an expression of the famous English humour J