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Bishops at the opening

Bishops at the opening

Only Chess

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With pawns and knights, the most obvious squares are easy to work out.

Where, however, should bishops go?

I favour placing the King's bishop into a fianchetto, and then using the Queen's bishop in a more offensive role.

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Originally posted by Lenzar
With pawns and knights, the most obvious squares are easy to work out.

Where, however, should bishops go?

I favour placing the King's bishop into a fianchetto, and then using the Queen's bishop in a more offensive role.
Funnily enough I usually know where I want my bishops but leave the knights to later as they may want to go to c3/f3 or d2/e2. Usually I like one knight on d2 and the other on f3, or else one on c3 and the other on e2. Obviously this is just a rule of thumb, and there are many exceptions.

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Usually bishops are best placed on the third, fourth or fifth ranks - depending on where they will be most use to you later in the game.

Less commonly are they developed on the second rank, unless you are playing a closed opening or doing a fianchetto - though they can still be handy later as they can easily redevelop.

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