Originally posted by exigentskyhmmm.....this is all I got, I don't see anything amazingly powerful
What's black's best move here?
[fen]r1bqk1nr/1p1pppbp/p1B3p1/8/3NP3/2N5/PPP2PPP/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 0 7[/fen]
Dxc6 [This way, you open up a nice diagonal {c8-h3} for your white squared bishop and you make threats on the d4 Knight] Be3 [defends d4....and things are equal]
Perhaps Dxc6 seems counter intuitive [your taking AWAY from the centre] but it is better than....
Bxc6 -- This slows down deployment....It will take another pawn move {d6 or d5} to be able to develop the white squared bishop....not only that, It means that the A-pawn has no friendly allies to help or be helped by 🙁 ...poor thing....
Originally posted by exigentskymessing with his pawns does seem like the best move here.....
This is the position: [fen]r1bqk1nr/pp1pppbp/2n3p1/8/4P3/2N2N2/PPP2PPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 4 6[/fen]
What do you do?
although, with the bishop out of the game, after castling, Black's king saftey could have been better {if the Bishop stayed where it was....}
Anyway? is there some amazing solution we're all missing? or is it a basic question with no real anwser?