Domincan Republic
2kr3r/ppp2ppp/2n5/4P2b/3P3q/B1P2P2/PPQ1K2P/R4B1R b - - 0 1 Please PM the answer for not to ruin others use of their brain.
I'm almost certain I have the first move --- but how deep am I supposed to look?
Originally posted by Shinidoki I'm almost certain I have the first move --- but how deep am I supposed to look?
Your Kingside
EDIT: Oops, it says please PM the message. 🙂
Zebano got it rigth,
i think Rxd4 is fairly obvious and destroys white's position. I can't find a better move.(btw Qf5+ Kb8 does nothing for black.
back in business
Rxd4 with threat of Re4+ looks winning at first glance. if that game would be 2min bullet game I would play it instantly.
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