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Black to play and win

Black to play and win

Only Chess

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Been a while since I bored you guys with something from one of my games so here goes:

From a recent blitz game of mine, black to play and win:

Edit: I would include the whole game up to this point however I embarrassingly left my bishop hanging a couple of moves ago in the build up to this position.

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Originally posted by VelvetEars
Been a while since I bored you guys with something from one of my games so here goes:

From a recent blitz game of mine, black to play and win:


Edit: I would include the whole game up to this point however I embarrassingly left my bishop hanging a couple of moves ago in the build up to this position.
1...Qg3 2.hxg4 Bxf2+ 3.Kh1 Rxe1+ and now the knight can't take or else mate so the queen is toast.

If white doesn't take the bishop he'll be in trouble.

1...Bxf3 also seems to lead to problems for white.

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Originally posted by VelvetEars
Been a while since I bored you guys with something from one of my games so here goes:

From a recent blitz game of mine, black to play and win:


Edit: I would include the whole game up to this point however I embarrassingly left my bishop hanging a couple of moves ago in the build up to this position.
I was thinking of starting with 1...Bxh3. Am I on the right track?
I haven't worked it all out yet, but I don't want to waste any more time on this idea, if it is wrong. Something like this:

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I think Bxf3 is the most forcing, and if Rxe8 then simply Rxe8 and he has to play Qf1 or something to avoid mate

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On second look Bxh3 don't look as good, if White does not take the bishop.


Originally posted by VelvetEars
Been a while since I bored you guys with something from one of my games so here goes:

From a recent blitz game of mine, black to play and win:


Edit: I would include the whole game up to this point however I embarrassingly left my bishop hanging a couple of moves ago in the build up to this position.
.....bxg3. queen cannot take as re8a8 mate. 2.gxf3 Qg3+ 3.G1H1 bxf2 and white cannot prevent Qh3 mate.

I'm surprised a 2200 (RJ Hinds) couldn't work that one out



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Originally posted by SHINEONFOREVER
I think Bxf3 is the most forcing, and if Rxe8 then simply Rxe8 and he has to play Qf1 or something to avoid mate
I believe you are right about Bxf3. Here is the way I think it might go:

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I'm surprised a 2200 (RJ Hinds) couldn't work that one out


Toot Toot!! puf puf puf!

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Originally posted by michael liddle
.....bxg3. queen cannot take as re8a8 mate. 2.gxf3 Qg3+ 3.G1H1 bxf2 and white cannot prevent Qh3 mate.

I'm surprised a 2200 (RJ Hinds) couldn't work that one out


That is Bxf3. You are right. Some times my mind doesn't work too good. That was too simple, but for some reason I could not see it. I saw that idea later in the game, but it was too late for a quick mate at that point. I did not think about starting over from the start. I guess I was thinking too much about keeping the draw in hand.

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Keeping the draw in hand isn't very helpful when it comes to solving a "black to play and win" problem. :p

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Originally posted by danilop
Keeping the draw in hand isn't very helpful when it comes to solving a "black to play and win" problem. :p
No. It didn't help at all. 😀

P.S. I was mainly doing it so I could practice posting the pgn from a fen chess position. When I first started it must of took about twenty edits before I could get it right. Now I am down to under five edits.


Thanks for the feedback guys. I guess there's more than one way to skin a cat. I think most of the winning combinations start with Bxf3.
In the blitz game it went:

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Originally posted by VelvetEars
Thanks for the feedback guys. I guess there's more than one way to skin a cat. I think most of the winning combinations start with Bxf3.
In the blitz game it went:

[FEN "4rrk1/p4ppp/2pq1n2/2b5/6b1/2N2N1P/PPPP1PP1/R1BQR1K1 b - - 0 1"]

1. ... Bxf3 gxf3 {Forced because of the threats of Bxd1 and Rxe1} 2. Bxf2+ {Forking king and rook} 3. Kxf2 { ...[text shortened]... 2 {which falls to} 6. Rxe2 {Threatening Ng3 mate again} Rxe2 7. Ng3 Ke1 8. Qg1 {Mate}
I think you did very good to see that in a blitz game. I am no good in those 5 minute or less games. I can't think fast enough.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I think you did very good to see that in a blitz game. I am no good in those 5 minute or less games. I can't think fast enough.
Thanks, I looked on it in a similar way to you, saw the forced draw first, played for that before seeing Nh5 forcing mate 🙂

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Originally posted by VelvetEars
Thanks, I looked on it in a similar way to you, saw the forced draw first, played for that before seeing Nh5 forcing mate 🙂
The moves bxh3 or Qg3 seem to fail because White has d4! in reply.

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