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Black to play and win

Black to play and win

Only Chess


From a recent game of mine (Game 9887724), black to play and win:

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Originally posted by VelvetEars
From a recent game of mine (Game 9887724), black to play and win:

[fen]4r1k1/p1Q2ppp/5qb1/3p4/1n1P4/1Pb2N1P/P2R1PP1/2K2BR1 b - - 1 18[/fen]
I saw it the instant i saw the position... Is it good or bad that saw the move before noticing blacks light sqaure bishop?

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Originally posted by tomtom232
I saw it the instant i saw the position... Is it good or bad that saw the move before noticing blacks light sqaure bishop?
Not to take away from your game. It is a beauty but it struck me right away... Just to clarify, it probably isnt an easy find for a lot of people.

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Originally posted by VelvetEars
From a recent game of mine (Game 9887724), black to play and win:

[fen]4r1k1/p1Q2ppp/5qb1/3p4/1n1P4/1Pb2N1P/P2R1PP1/2K2BR1 b - - 1 18[/fen]
I would play 1....Qf5 threatening Qb1 Checkmate.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I would play 1....Qf5 threatening Qb1 Checkmate.
so would i ...

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Originally posted by RJHinds
I would play 1....Qf5 threatening Qb1 Checkmate.
I was looking at ...Qxf3, but maybe I need to look some more. I was just looking at ideas like a subsequent ...Re1+ and ...Nxa2+.

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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
I was looking at ...Qxf3, but maybe I need to look some more. I was just looking at ideas like a subsequent ...Re1+ and ...Nxa2+.
That was the solution I saw and played, white can decline the queen sac, but will have to shed a load of material in doing so. Have to agree and say that Qf5 will lead to a quicker forced mate as far as I can see.

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