There is a guy at my chess club who has been playing this for years with eccellent results. He showed up at the club and got roped into playing a game (as the normal player had not shown up) with his clock 30 mins down and he won. He wasn't playing a patzer niether. This line should be considered like the dutch, perhaps fritz won't evaluate it as sound but in the right hands it's as good as any.
It's generally believed to be unsound.Dunno why,black gets a pawn,white gets attacking chances,seems to me like any other gambit.
I think the general opinion is formed 'cause it isn't played at the higher levels.But one must not forget that there was a time that the sicilian wasn't seen on the higher levels 'cause the best players of those days thought it wasn't sound.Guess what happened next....😉
Sir Lot.
Three things:
1) I played against a guy in college (long ago) who played this as White and NEVER lost. He just crushed everyone with the thing (he was USCF 1900 at the time).
2) A friend of ours asked GM Lombardy about it and he smiled and said "I wouldn't mind if someone played it against me."
3) Spoil White's day and transpose into the French.
Originally posted by lloydkI never thought of going into the French Defense. As a rule the best way to refute a gambit is to accept it. I have always taken the pawns offered. Exception to the rule. King's Gambit. I have never accepted it. The book on this opening is that it is unsound. The same book stated that the King's Gambit is refutable .
Three things:
1) I played against a guy in college (long ago) who played this as White and NEVER lost. He just crushed everyone with the thing (he was USCF 1900 at the time).
2) A friend of ours asked GM Lombardy about it and he smiled and said "I wouldn't mind if someone played it against me."
3) Spoil White's day and transpose into the French.
a lot of players over 2000 rating even play this gambit, got a bit of a cult following from a few people around the place.
here is some sites around the gambit to keep u occupied
Originally posted by hypermo2001Well, the BDG or something, of course! As black, I tend to slap directly at the QG with the albin, even though it is, in fact, grotesquely unsound (causes major troubles for black developing the kingside if white plays properly) because at least it is sharp, dangerous, and interesting. Better unsound than boring.
what else can you play as white when it's gone 1. d4 d5 ??
anything else is not as sound or is probably just as "boring"