Had an idea for bullet / 1 min chess. the other day ... u could have a penalty version
where for each peace you loose its values in seconds is knocked of the clock ... could stop games being won on time from a loosing position ...
Originally posted by Black Star Uchess Had an idea for bullet / 1 min chess. the other day ... u could have a penalty version
where for each peace you loose its values in seconds is knocked of the clock ... could stop games being won on time from a loosing position ...
Great idea, will definitely change the theory on pawn endgames when both sides have 10 seconds left on the clock 🙄
Originally posted by Black Star Uchess Had an idea for bullet / 1 min chess. the other day ... u could have a penalty version
where for each peace you loose its values in seconds is knocked of the clock ... could stop games being won on time from a loosing position ...
you can now sack both a piece and your clock! yay!