Originally posted by I Falco II'm a little below that in Blitz but the best way is the same as for regular time controls: tactics training with diagrams etc.
I was wondering what the best way to improve blitz chess is. I play 3 min blitz at the Playchess server and I am stuck on how t improve. My blitz rating is 1608. Thanks!
Originally posted by I Falco ITactics helps a lot but I noticed that when I play blitz I'm not playing proper chess. It more like finding okay moves quickly. I think it's a waste of time playing blitz if you seriously want to improve your OTB. I don't play blitz for that reason.
I am 1860 in bullet, and I played tons of that. I didn't play much blitz, but the blizt i did play helped my bullet out a lot.
Tactical training sounds good. I am reading the book "Art Of Attack in Chess," will that help much for my blitz?
Great OTB regular time control players make great blitz player.
** I consider Blitz games to be around 3-5 min a game...**
study openings....
as white, complicated trappy gambits are good for this
as Black, i'd recomend hypermodern ones, seeing as these opening can be played almost ignoring what white is doing KID?
this should now mean you can now play several goods moves in a very short peroid of time
In addtion to this, i would suggest spent time learning opening traps, legals mate, noah ark, etc, that way you won't fool for them, but your oppenant might.
study tactics....
things like the chess tactics server is ideal, as it rewards speed over depth
study endgames...
if your playing 3 0 games the chances are you will get to a winning endgame and lose on time....
hence, if you can master concepts like trangulation, opisition, luceana position, etc you can win and draw otherwise flagged games.
use the clock
learn some basic sneaky ideas to win on time, like for example: -
letting them promote pawns (unless they have pre-move or auto-queen) this can actually make them lose on time because it can take a few secounds to put a new queen on the board.
when losing, Play lots of checks, if you both have 3-4 secs left then play blunders! (i.e Qh5+, which loses to Kxh5) it works as a tactic because it can supprise them, and consequently cost them time.
trade down to difficualt wins i.e B+B/N+Kvs.K endgames -- they may not have the time to calculate the win
you get the idea...