I'm not sure if I speak for the rest of the forums, maybe they haven't noticed just how many pointless threads you have come up with. I'm not going to say anymore, just highlight a few gems that have come out from you. Actually, to be fair, you're so good at spouting sh*t that nobody notices because what you do is either 1. make your questions sound innocent and nice. 2. start off a normal thread which you snowball into a huge load of sh*t
"The worst opening for sure is the Traxler counterattack. White can force mate in less than 60 moves after 4. ...Bc5??"
"One of the reasons I find this so amusing is that many GMs have made this blunder (and gotten away with it) including who is probably the world's top player: Viswanathan Anand. Even RHPs highly esteemed Ironman31 has made this blunder!" (he's talking about move 3 or 4 in the opening)
"Does anyone here play this opening as white? Personally I consider this move very inferior, especially against 3. ...Nf6! I'd say Bc4?! is a dubious (not technically bad) move. It doesn't make any threats or keep pressure on blacks position. After Nf6 Ng5? is a common mistake that even Grandmasters make!"
"Out of 9 billion positions, how many can actually result from reasonable moves (Grandmaster/perfect play)? I bet no more than 1,000."
"1. Nc3 Nc6 2. Na4 Na5 3. Nc5 Nc4 4. Na4 Nxb2 5. Nc3 Nc4 6. Nb1 Na5 7. Bb2
Nc6 8. Nf3 Nb8
what do you rhpers think of this opening? anyone want to play it against me as black (me as white)? if u do u can challenge me in a few days (im currently playing my maximum amount of simultaneous games), although if we wanted it rated we'd have to rely on the honors system
my own opening! "
"here is a game played by kaspy and chessmaster (he lost in two moves):
[Event "Blitz"]
[Site "Linares"]
[Date "2001.02.18"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Garry Kasparov"]
[Black "Stanley Random"]
[Result "0-1"]
1. f3 e5 2. g4 Qh4#
{Black mates} 0-1 "
"[Event "nano-second per move"]
[Site "kaspies house"]
[Date "2000.01.01"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Chessmaster"]
[Black "Garry Kasparov"]
[Result "1-0"]
1. e4
{Black losses on time}"
Please note people that he has posted far more threads than the ones I quoted. Yes, each quote is from a different NEW thread started by him. I probably missed many other replies so feel free to add to this. I'm so damn sick of looking around the forums and stepping on landmines of bullsh*t.
"Hi! I'm 17 years old and from Singapore. I've been playing chess for a couple of months, less than half a year. I'll accept challenges if I'm not playing more than 20-30 games already. I'm looking to make friends as well as learn about chess/the meaning of life/the universe etc. I can trade analysis but I'm not very good at analysing games myself=(" Hi! I'm also 17 years old, and I'm from USA. I'd love to be your friend!
Originally posted by bobbob1056thSorry, I usually hang with the "stfu-unless-pissed" crowd.
"Hi! I'm 17 years old and from Singapore. I've been playing chess for a couple of months, less than half a year. I'll accept challenges if I'm not playing more than 20-30 games already. I'm looking to make friends as well as learn about chess/the meaning of life/the universe etc. I can trade analysis but I'm not very good at analysing games myself=(" Hi! I'm also 17 years old, and I'm from USA. I'd love to be your friend!
Originally posted by DfthdIf you don't like what someone else starts as a forum topic then don't go to it. There is no reason to try to censor someone elses right to post things in a forum, if no one considers the topic to be worthwhile then it will quickly get bumped down the forums. Attacking them personally just makes matters worse as all it does is add yet another thread that someone might consider to be worthless.
I'm not sure if I speak for the rest of the forums, maybe they haven't noticed just how many pointless threads you have come up with. I'm not going to say anymore, just highlight a few gems that have come out from you. Actually, to be fair, you're so good at spouting sh*t that nobody notices because what you do is either 1. make your questions sound innoce ...[text shortened]... d to this. I'm so damn sick of looking around the forums and stepping on landmines of bullsh*t.
Originally posted by BeligolYes, normally this is what happens. But that's talking about someone posting one worthless thread. Our dear friend has started 10++++++ threads of this nonsense and its getting out of hand.
If you don't like what someone else starts as a forum topic then don't go to it. There is no reason to try to censor someone elses right to post things in a forum, if no one considers the topic to be worthwhile then it will quickly get bu ...[text shortened]... yet another thread that someone might consider to be worthless.
Its not a question of "Hey, I don't like that thread you posted."