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Book Titles

Only Chess

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in chess that don't quite work.
Anybody writing a book titled "Women I Beat" will prob have a tough time selling many books.

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Chess the Hard Way, by Daniel Yanofsky. Probably wasn't a big seller. What *WAS* he thinking?

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Back in the days when I was a very defensive-minded player, a friend suggested that I write a book called A Complete Defense for White.

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Remember the MacCutcheon, by James Eade, published by Chess Enterprises. Only problem was, it should be spelled McCutcheon. Ouch!

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"Starting Out: The Fools Mate"

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“Secrets of pawnless and pieceless endgames” by Dr John Nunn was reviewed as a April Fool prank in BCM a few years ago. Apparently some people tried to buy it. Heres hoping they were only going along with the joke.

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100 quick draws

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"My 60 Miserable Games"

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"chess for dummies"

oh wait, they already have that

or maybe

"how to win with 1.e4...2.Ke2"

i am sure that will be a big seller

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C.C.O. Confusing Chess Openings

Learn To Attack With Two Norwegian Amateurs (The guys Nimzovich used to beat up on in his books).

The Professional's Mind: A Look At Silman's Play By His Students

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"steal a piece; the magician's guide to chess"

that actually might sell

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Originally posted by heinzkat
"My 60 Miserable Games"
If this was by a Kasperov or the likes, it would be interesting to hear analysis of games he felt miserable. Like how he was utterly destroyed in such and such games.

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Simple Chess by Michael Stean suffers greatly from the wrong title.

People dismiss it at book stalls thinking it's a beginners book.

I recall one student of mine had it covered in brown paper because he
did not want anybody thinking he was reading a book called Simple Chess.

It's an excellent book, I bet loads of good player who have read it
will agree.
It's positonal Chess explained in a simple manner. A real gem.

I like the Reinfeld books.
'Win Quickly with the White pieces' and 'Win Quickly with the Black Pieces.'

Often wondered what would happen if some guy bought and read the
White Quick Wins book played against a guy who bought and read
the Black Quick Wins book.

A draw after 20 odd moves with bare Kings?

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I thought of one more book.

Chess Masterpieces Of The Crackhead Hustlers In The Park By A. Junky

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"Winning Prison Tournaments"

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