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Bxh7+ (Book Reveiw) + Morphy Mate winner

Bxh7+ (Book Reveiw) + Morphy Mate winner

Only Chess

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Congrats to Swiss Gambit.


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Hey, I thought the deadline was the 1st of November

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Hey, I thought the deadline was the 1st of November
yeah...It may be the 31st in Britain...But not the 1st.

I was going to try and submit something too.

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Would never have beaten the Swiss entry though.

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Originally posted by heinzkat
Would never have beaten the Swiss entry though.
I just went and checked it, and I know what you mean. I also liked the other one for the reason given- economical use of material.

In fact, the whole article was good, and it affirms my decision to add Greenpawns's website to my favorites list.


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Originally posted by Paul Leggett
it affirms my decision to add Greenpawns's website to my favorites list.
There's no need for that - GP spams his website here any time there is something new to read.

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What do you mean it's still the 31st.

Now is the 1st of November how can it be the 31st of October anywhere else?

How can today be yesterday?

Gee Whizz now I've heard everything.

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Originally posted by heinzkat
There's no need for that - GP spams his website here any time there is something new to read.

I feel I have to as I get loads of stuff from here. It's a two way thing.

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Heinzkat's late/lame entry.

Key move; move 34

1. ... Ke6, move 23

1. ... Ke8, move 8

1. ... Kg8, move 35

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Originally posted by greenpawn34
What do you mean it's still the 31st.

Now is the 1st of November how can it be the 31st of October anywhere else?

How can today be yesterday?

Gee Whizz now I've heard everything.
??? It's still the 30th here in America, and the 31st in Europe. (6-10 hours time difference). However, I don't understand how it is Nov 1st anywhere.

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Greenpawn being Greenpawn. Next thing you know, someone will be arguing why the green light doesn't really mean someone is cheating.

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I guess Edinbourg is one day ahead of the rest of the world. What green light?

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The green light is the wee light that comes up when you make a move.

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This site is haunted by nutcases.

Today - NOW is the 1st of November so it cannot be yesterday anywhere else
on the planet.

What's all this 6 hours behind nonsense. It does not take 6 hours for your post
to reach RHP unless you really have slow naff equiptment. It's instantaneous.

I'm reading what you posted on the 1st November so therfore it's the 1st of November.

Wait a minute, I get it. You two are round Earth believers and you think we
go around the Sun.

OK you two. If we go around the Sun how come the Sun goes over my head everyday?

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I assume you are joking...But if you aren't, look in the bottom, right hand corner of your screen. You should see a clock. Click on it. You will see "Saturday, Oct 31."

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