Hey All Others,
Can anyone help me? I want to find the opening which may be a type of Yugoslav attack against the Sicilian Dragon where White gives up his or her Queen for 2 pieces which may be for a Knight and Rook.
I am not sure of the actual move progression before White trades its Queen to gain lesser powered pieces.
Also, if I remember right, White uses 2 rooks and other pieces while Black still has its Queen, but has to use 1 less Knight and 1 less Rook. White has 1 extra piece.
Alexander Shabalov may have a database game where he uses the Queen trade and gains 2 of Black's pieces, but I am not sure what the exact moves are in a database. If I remember right, Shabalov plays the White against a non-GM player, and maybe not, even a 2300 or higher player. But I only assume that.
For all I know, I might have seen part of the game I am talking about in Chess Life of the United States Chess Federation magazine maybe even 10 to 15 years ago. I am not sure of the actual move progression before White trades its Queen to gain lesser powered pieces. I don't think, though, that only Shabalov has played the White side with the Queen trade and still gone on to win against Black. Maybe, in part, a similar start of the game is like. I don't really know