Originally posted by BlunderProneSince white has a dark squared bishop he needs to get to a light squared corner - i.e. h1.
Which corner is he proper one?
That might confuse you - if the king stays in the center he should be fine too, he just has to make sure black doesn't force him to a dark squared corner.
With best play from both sides its a draw, the ending for the defending side is quite easy to hold, a lot easier then for example Rook and Bishop vs Rook which is also a technical draw but harder to achieve for the defending side. check Vallejo-Miezis 2001 Leon to see how an experienced grandmaster is unable to hold .
Originally posted by sannevssrIt is not the same since the bishop blocks the way for oposition, then you cant force with your rook:
same way as you would in R+ K vs K, but its useless anyway cuz your king will come under check and once you cornered the king you cant
make progress, see posts above
( unless he makes a blunder)
Here I need to move my king to the front of the white king so if white is to move he just moves 1.Kf4, and it is imposible for me to move Kd4.